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Purchase Scooters and Scooter Parts From our Shop Online HERE: http://www.verminscooterscanada.com/

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


If you are looking for a full featured pro scooter for a younger or smaller rider, the Phoenix Pilot is ideal. A little smaller in Bar height and width, with a slightly shorter deck. the Pilot is ideal for average size kids 10 and under. Better fit means a better riding experience. This scooter has all the durability features we look for - from better bolts to HIC compression and a good headset it is really hard to find an issue with this scooter!

Now in stock, you can purchase in store or online at PHOENIX COMPLETES

Saturday, 10 October 2015

"WHY DON'T YOU CARRY _________"

Ok so we get asked a lot "why don't you carry this particular model or brand?"

Please know we would love to carry every scooter - but we only carry the ones that meet very specific criteria. We evaluate every scooter, either seeing them when we go to trade shows or actually purchasing a new model and having it sent to us to Test and Evaluate. We look primarily for quality and durability of all parts but also for ease of maintenance so the scooter will last as long as possible.

So if we don't carry it we have very good reasons - primarily to save you, the customer and rider, headaches from parts breaking, dealing with warranty, not being able to use you your equipment. And we see this every day - folks bring in scooters we don't carry for repair and the problems were exactly the ones we thought would happen due to some weakness or lack of quality.

We don't know why some shops carry scooters we won't. But please take your time and do your research prior to purchasing any scooter.

Vermin Scooter Shop wants every rider to get the best scooter for them. Don't settle for something less than you need or get fooled by appearance.

Good luck and go Scoot!!