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Saturday, 4 January 2014


The City of Calgary has announced it is going forward with their plan to create new skateparks and skatespots. NOW is the time for scooter riders to get involved. We need your help. Open house are being held at the end of January - show up! Parents and kids need to be heard. The City has no idea how may kids are scootering. Let us show them we deserve safe and legal places to scooter.

Open House Options (all times are 5 PM to 8 PM):
•Tuesday, January 28: Cardel Theatre -- 180 Quarry Park Blvd S.E.
•Wednesday, January 29: Edgemont Community Association -- 33 Edgevalley Circle N.W.
•Thursday, January 30: Southland Leisure Centre -- 2000 Southland Dr. S.W.